Monday, January 23, 2012


i worked on this new print all day.  it's about 9x30 inches.  i'm liking everything, except i may put in a bit of white in the light beam.  it seems just a bit too busy.  i'll overprint the white, and the it will take some of the letter jumble away, making it easier on the eyes.  the orange was not the best of color choices, i guess.  unfortunately it was the first color printed, and you really don't know how it's gonna work until the other colors are put in.  i may re-do the whole dang thing in a different color scheme...maybe a red flashlight?

let me know what you think...more white in the light beam, or leave it alone?

i'll post a finished shot once i resolve my dilemma.  for now it remains taped to the table so i won't lose registration if i decide to do something else!!

1 comment:

  1. I like it very much--orange is a great color with purple! Wait--is this the result of not buying that bunch of flashlights? :) Anyway, I look at the flashlight first--which seems odd since the beam is the warm color. If you want the beam to be the "hit-you-over-the-head" point of interest, I'd add some white in there.
